About Us
There is no “best” drug for all patients with the same type of cancer.
Heavy reliance on molecular tumor analysis by major academic cancer centers results in one-size-fits-all treatment for the most common types of cancer, and leaves the majority of patients without benefit. Two recent major studies demonstrated that only 0.9% to 2.1% of cancer patients respond to molecular therapies. At Grace Oncology, “personalized medicine” is not a vague hope for the future - it is our promise to you today.
Dr. William R. Grace
Respected by his peers and consistently honored by healthcare consumer advocates, Dr. Grace has devoted his medical practice to winning against cancer, one patient at a time. Our dedicated staff of healthcare professionals is focused on your care and upon ensuring that you receive the best treatment available.
Our Focus
How and Why
Billions of dollars are spent by pharmaceutical companies in search of “blockbuster” chemotherapy drugs. Unfortunately, this doesn’t help the cancer patient who requires treatment today. In fact, many good chemotherapy drugs already exist. However, none of these drugs is a magic bullet. Instead, some drugs benefit certain patients while different drugs benefit others
Therefore, the greatest success in treating cancer right now - not in the future - can be achieved by using existing chemotherapy drugs more effectively. The best way to accomplish this is to personalize treatment for each patient. Dr. Grace has dedicated himself and his medical practice to precisely this approach.
Dr. Grace’s investigation and use of personalized cytometric profiling began more than 25 years ago. Over the past decade, Dr. Grace has collaborated closely with Larry Weisenthal, MD, Ph.D. (Please note that this is a professional collaboration only - there is no business connection between Dr. Weisenthal’s laboratory-based medical practice and Grace Oncology.) Dr. Weisenthal is a medical oncologist and career cancer researcher. He is generally acknowledged to be the preeminent authority in developing and performing personalized cytometric profiling tests. His contributions to the field span more than 35 years and include originating what has become the gold-standard cytometric profiling technology.
At his facility in Huntington Beach, California, Dr. Weisenthal will personally perform laboratory analysis of your living cancer cells.
Dr. Grace will then interpret your personalized profiling test results. The ability to utilize cytometric profiling data in the design of highly effective, personalized chemotherapy treatments requires a thorough understanding of the theoretical and practical capabilities and limitations of the tests. Another key requirement is familiarity with the extensive body of medical literature which supports the use of these tests. A third indispensable elementis experience in using the tests for actual patient treatment. Your test data must be viewed in light of your specific clinical situation, your treatment history, and your physical condition. Known mechanisms of activity and interactions of candidate drugs must also be taken into consideration.
Dr. Grace is recognized among cytometric profiling authorities as one of the world’s foremost experts in the art and science of designing and administering personalized chemotherapy treatments in conjunction with cytometric profiling data. In this emerging discipline, few physicians worldwide have achieved Dr. Grace’s level of experience and treatment success.
Your Tests: Behind the Scenes
Some people like to know more about how the cytometric profiling tests actually are performed. Here is the sequence of events that will occur in personalizing your chemotherapy treatment plan.
Success Stories